Derech Egged (Western Jerusalem Envelope) is the latest subsidiary of the Egged Group, Israel’s leading public transportation company and one of the world’s largest operators.
Recognizing the significance of the public transportation sector, the Egged Group is dedicated to fostering its development and expanding the company’s operations in both public transportation and related domains.
Derech Egged is honored to oversee public transportation lines in the Western Jerusalem Envelope for the next decade. In its inaugural year alone, the company will serve approximately 5.5 million passengers.
Current and Future Lines
Derech Egged will operate the service lines of the Western Jerusalem Envelope, including local and intercity routes, in two phases.
The first phase began in April 2024 with the operation of intercity lines between Jerusalem and Bnei Barak, Jerusalem and Petah Tikva, Jerusalem and Tel HaShomer, and Jerusalem and Rosh Ha’Ayin.
The second phase, scheduled to commence in April 2025, will see the operation of local buses in the Western Jerusalem Envelope, serving routes between Jerusalem and Mavseret Zion, and Jerusalem and Givat Zeev.
Derech Egged wishes its passengers a safe and pleasant journey.
Enhancing Your Travel Experience
In support of operating the service lines in theWestern Jerusalem Envelope, Derech Egged will invest in over 300 new buses.
The buses will feature improved physical segregation of the driver’s booth to ensure safety, a wireless network, and USB ports for passenger convenience; reduce travel times; and enhance the overall comfort, enjoyment, and ecological sustainability of Derech Egged’s services.
Half of the buses will run on alternative energy sources, while the other half will adhere to stringent air pollution standards (Euro 6), promoting a more environmentally friendly and efficient travel experience.